with the flat backs that you could stand up on and push off like you were riding a scooter? those were sweeeeeet

Pooped our pants

‘cause we didn’t know the boundaries between interrupting adults and holding it in, until we couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Winding up in the principal’s office because we chose wrong, waiting for mom to come with clean clothes. Sometimes we shit ourselves before

questioning authority

before realizing no government has the right to tell you when you get relief.

Well I guess in prison they do, and America sure believes in prisons.

dramatic music intensifies

We wanted to be a painter, remember?

switches to playful melody

But then the pastor told us we were destined to be a preacher.

ah yes, the first questioning of authority. fuck that guy painting rules. tortured artist soundtrack, siri please play contemporary kanye

But by five we

figured out the game

We memorized our alphabets and our numbers.