Artificial LEGAL bodies which have begun to dominate resources, safety and if not conceptions of the infinite then at least their

institutions of reverence & investigation

mega-church meets mega-endowment


So this slide will investigate how we got from the stories we tell ourselves to the monsters we’ve “incorporated” or brought to life, with less liability – read responsibility – than their flesh and blood constituents. Faxable Frankensteins if you will.

you know that was the doctor right?

the monster was actually-

Agriculture. It all began in a garden, but not the Adam and Eve variety. It’s 10,000 BC and the earth is coming out of the last Ice Age when somewhere in the Middle East people are

practicing their green thumbs

We’ve mostly hunter-gathered our way through the wild along with man’s best friend-


neanderthals and denisovians?

Dogs. We had dogs.

And an interest in staying in one place to improve life. Or maybe

build cool shit then disband

Upon reflection hunter-gathering was pretty sweet.