Treatment instead of incarceration decreased fatal overdoses in Portugal by over 50%.

what was Portugal up to back in the early 1800’s?

Empire of course

then something weird going on with the king giving his son Brazil but the kid called no-backsies?

But he made his dad

emperor as a consolation?

I’m not, it’s…let’s stick to America for now. So I knew at this time my friend was definitely on heroin.

your friend is not america


Anyways, she was a somewhat functional roommate but I couldn’t live in that type of environment. I was learning to

draw boundaries

Speaking of which, the boundaries of the continental United States were set after the mid-1800’s with the aftermath of the Mexican-American war and the Oregon purchase.

somewhat shaky segue but ok

There are other military incursions of course that aren’t official wars.

Our navy landed in Indonesia to retaliate for the plundering of a cargo ship in 1832 and then Argentina the following year to protect our “interests,” which is nation-speak to describe profits.