Banks collapsed, businesses failed

unemployment shot to 25%

in some areas.

Naturally I moved in with my friend.


She was like, around 20 or 21? This phase in American history would cover her from 20 to 22.

We lived in a two bedroom apartment in the Inland Empire an hour outside of Los Angeles.

She liked to do the music festival thing, I was working in my parent’s insurance agency. We both smoked weed while I crushed on her as she crushed multiple boyfriends between pills, or maybe the other way around.

But the boyfriends became less frequent

long trips more so

Then the lighters and the spoons.

I found a needle in the bathroom which was the definitive proof, taking it with me as I moved out. Which was a cruel thing to do.

Persecution doesn’t stop addiction it just makes it

more dangerous

what, are you suggesting giving them clean needles?

Actually yes, this goes a long way in keeping people healthy and gaining a chance at interdiction where they can be helped.