Waged to stop Muslim expansion and reclaim territory


1096 FML – 1291 FML opened up trade routes from the Levant to the Baltic.

english please

From the sandpits to the chocolates.

no snow to hot cocoa

And that’s actually quite revealing, that a European country could specialize in a confection to the point that it evokes their culture while the main ingredients come from the

global south

The fingerprints of empire are all over every aspect of our identity, whether the stories we tell ourselves admit this or not.

you’re making chocolate political now?

Hey I didn’t make the world I’m just trying to understand it. While getting our Six Sigma in genocide-

I prefer an agile workflow

killing one tenth of the current population as a part of Genghis Conglomerated, the west was laying the foundation for a


or “rebirth” of European dominance in the market.

we’re good at killing people!

Yes, mankind has become quite good at

killing itself

Some may even say it’s become our specialty. But back then it was still Mongolian Beefs-

you know mongolian beef actually originated in Taiwan during the mid 20th-