the first mover, and worship him or her or it or

flying spaghetti monster

In science we call this the big bang or whatever other less romantic nouns the clinicians are yelling while they orgasm

in an attempt to push this horrific boundary further away.

Who acts more rational, the spiritualist who draws the unknown closer in worship or interrogators who seek its dissolution?

I suppose it depends on how your Monday’s going.

Sometimes the human condition involves the spiritualists exploring while traditionalists offer reverence


but religious traditions have proven more static than the scientific when it comes to

noodling the unknown

One side lends itself more to experimentation, at least in the modern age.

At least one would hope.

We need that glimmer of nobility of cause remember, to give our pursuit some semblance of inspired worth.

So ours being at heart an investigation into truth, let’s try to stay on scientific footing.

your funeral


Would actually be quite odd to have it any other way.

So the infinite surrounds us.

And we define it in order to either revere or explore its properties.

What are those properties?


the infinite isn’t just a boundary

between what is positively known and what can never be understood.