That should give us

14 sections

to discuss how we got to this point arguing with ourselves for free on the internet.


are you going to lay another timeline of development over those 14 sections?

Think we’re skipping it this time, already December 29th and I promised myself I’d finish this by the

New Year

dialing it in at the end huh bruh

We’ll group them in pairs then and add couplets to the end

Lucky #7

bless you sir

So onto section the first, covering the years zero to two and a half as well as two and a half to five.

there’s a tiger blood joke in there somewhere



Anyways, our metaphor masheen is back in action and ready to go.

Exiting by way of our mom’s vagine, hello my future constituency-

see, that’s why you need me here. she had a caesarian section, remember? she’s a small lady and we have a rather big head, as the kids on the playground would later so kindly remind us