We conceptualize the infinite through

origin stories

spiritual or scientific.

And patterns we conceptualize through…

Shit, how do we conceptualize fractal patterns?

Oh ya, fractals.

that sounds better than strange

Yes indeed.

It appears as though we have three tasks ahead of us then to categorize the infinite;

1) the limitless unknown which binds finite observable phenomena

2) patterns which play out endlessly in the form of repeating fractals repeating themselves…


3) then self-referential questions which are unanswerable, these “logic fractals” if you will.

I will and I have, loved the show

can’t go wrong with muppets and a killer theme song

That strange paradox where you both agree with and detest  audience participation.

Speaking of which, let’s stick to exploring the first two and offer the label of


to the third, which seems more scientific and therefore more useful (for now) than terms like strange or blind reverence like theism.

perhaps one man’s god is another man’s paradox

That’s…actually quite fair of you.

And of course by you I mean me.

And of course by me I mean us.

Yes, perhaps life IS but a fuzzy fraggle, a poor puppet that struts and frets his hour under the rock.

rip j.h.


Using the power of literary acumen and the stress of financial deadlines then, let me harness these

fractal loops