Take all this information, I guess you could call it data, put it together into a cohesive narrative so that it can be efficiently processed, and then adjust as needed when new data comes in.
The effectiveness of this narrative in explaining the past as well as predicting the future places one’s conception of reality on the spectrum between delusion and verified objective truth.
So reality is the bigger story then.
And de-realization, it follows, is the confusion of this story, whether purposeful as in someone taking
mind altering
substances, or malicious, as in someone corrupting either
1) the data,
2) the larger narrative or
3) a mixture of both.
Questions, then, provide information, data, used to construct more accurate stories of who we are.
If not completely noble, hopefully the above at least approaches a higher virtue.
Let’s call this higher virtue intellectual curiosity, or
So the cause is good, or at least appears to be headed in that direction.