The label Barbarian, he who doesn’t speak Greek or who babbles, doesn’t tell us anything about a group of people. So the concept of civilization has more often than not merely been an

excuse to dismiss people

not cool enough to join the club.

that’s you again!

And of course by me you mean you.

and of course by you we mean us

You see no one stays on top of history forever, which is why we study it.

These patterns play out in a consistent manner, and the controlling pattern of human societies seems to be empire.

what’s empire?

Well, at the top you have elites, usually within the heart of a geographic territory benefiting most from the inflow of tribute.

Next you have vassals, not as powerful as the elites but benefitting in their own right usually within

spheres of influence

Finally you have the tributaries, those from whom the tribute comes from, the marks.

Every con needs a sucker

and these are the fat base which give stability to the pyramid through their ignorance and abuse, violently enforced if necessary but if it’s a good con just glued in place with that strong cultural narrative.