Iroquois to Iraqi, the right answers don’t change just the latest lies and the cowards who defend them.

How could we dare to claim to be bringing democracy to Iraq when we haven’t even figured it out here at home first? How could this

demonic teddy bear

not empathize with the desires in Caribbean countries for the same terms of service as the American app to their north? Or, to go back even further, when a Spanish profiteer of little moral note salivated over subjugating the first peoples of Puerto Rico bragging;

“with 50 men they could be compelled to do anything one wishes”

And so he chopped off their hands if they didn’t find him gold. The hands of natives who introduced themselves as “Taino,” noble.

As in, we’re not the asshole cannibals to the south.

We’re good people

We have a good life. This is the land where God lives and as his caretakers we welcome our guests.

Anything one wishes.

I don’t remember this version of Aladdin