ever notice how pens and straws share similar qualities?

They didn’t seem to work so well

the first time around

the notes not your inventions-

I’m not sure how I, uh, feel about opiates, but I definitely like the way they smell

So to combat rapid inflation a second bank of the United States was chartered from 1816-1836.

I’m here but I’m…I’ma be a minute…

And thus we close our first phase of addiction, experimentation with central banking. And war of course, the most debt-incurring of any state activity.


Let’s see, we had all of those Indian wars, they’re not going to

genocide themselves

you know. And then those pesky rebellions over credit and taxes, luckily most of these suckers can’t vote lol. Barbary Wars and

pirates of the caribbean

kept us busy with three thousand attacks between 1815-1823. Remember empires need those open trade routes.

It looks like militarism was our gateway drug, with war-dealing financiers on stand-by to offer harder stuff.

huh where am I?