But before we go modern first we have another world war to

grossly oversimplify

Another president – cousin to “proud boy Ted” – headed off the proto-hippies by introducing a “New Deal” to bring economic relief and reform in industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labor and housing.

Elites saw what was happening in Russia and said maybe we should ease up on creating our own domestic serf problem less we start experiencing

homegrown Heat

Although Roosevelt made sure to also consolidate federal power as he placated the serfs.

And now the world was set for us to join the largest excuse for violence man’s addiction to wealth had ever conceived, that great multinational Axis and Allies piñata party known as Risk without the game board but way more drinking.

No seriously,

Winston Churchill was a lush

This whiskey mouth-washing cubicle cowboy was once so drunk by noon he fucked up Jordan’s border with Saudi Arabia in what’s excused as

Winston’s Hiccup

The world has always suffered from illegitimate authorities and man has always played God drunk.