I try, that’s all that’s required to love. Just care enough to try. Which is also the first category in Eric’s breakdown of the art of loving,


the active concern for the life and growth of that which we love. The ‘rents weren’t perfect but they loved us.

They cared enough to

try their best

Which leads us to our second section composed of two parts, from five to seven and a half and then from seven and a half to ten years old.

not sold on the poetry but I’ma let you finish

We move out of Glendale around this time, something to do with those muggers and pops I think right? They didn’t know if the guy was gang affiliated, might be retribution for testifying.

Where did we go, Corona? It was Home Gardens elementary for those first couple years of elementary school.

good ol’ home garbage

First grade we got that note from that one girl, the brunette right?

do you like me check YES or NO

that was not cool! we knew we weren’t supposed to play with girls

although, reflecting now, I don’t think anyone ever explained WHY