Political Investigator


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want.

We’re not doing Taken. But what we CAN do is very clearly start outlining and replacing violent systems.

violence being defined as?

Getting your needs met at the expense of others.

like our 22 year old weed-dealing trump supporter said, isn’t that capitalism though?

Why do we have to worship ideas over people?

What I’ve learned is that religion is a tool. Psychedelics are tools. Political and economic theories are tools to build


if it was that simple why hasn’t it been done before?

If it was that complicated, what did we do before governments?

kill each other

And you tell me

when did the killing stop?

what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you

Stahp. We have to plan our presidential campaign,

a lot of cramming to do

explore startup ambitions,

explore our loneliness

explore what it means to be human.

I will look for you, I will find you, and I will

ask you to pre-order my books to move onto PHASE II

until then we’re stuck in this shelter

Gotta start somewhere, might as well be the bottom.

way to end on a positive note

Higher than heaven, what’s lower than dirt.

holy, the wholly common

S.B. Baric
Dec 66th, 2018
Horizons Community
Bowery Residents’ Committee