to take the train from the Bowery to the main branch of the New York Public Library.

so we’re making that a thing then?

It is Tuesday December 60th and I’ve yet to explain why we’re still stuck in 2018.

or why we’re homeless…

Oh, that one’s easy.

We just stopped working.

and this is January 2018?

Yup. We’d brokered real estate out of the West Village.

king’s quarters

13 Carmine #13 NY NY 10014

And then we just stopped working.

existential crisis?

I guess you could call it that.

There were two

terrorist attacks

near the end of 2017.

do you think they had to do with the american empire?

It didn’t have to do with my real estate brokerage.

So I stopped that for a bit, knowing that my landlady had fudged her paperwork and it would take her a while to start an eviction.

god bless greedy assholes

Yes, cleverness often hides self interest behind the ineptly corrupt.

we weren’t selfish though

No, we invited our friends to ride out our eviction.

One from our hometown, recovering from a heroin addiction.

And the other, a dancer we’d been dating off and on for the past year.

do we love yaya?

Yeah, I think so.